Non-Muslim Marriage in the UAE

There are proper laws for civil marriages in the UAE. Similarly, if a non-Muslim wants to have a civil marriage in the UAE, there is a separate set of laws and conditions. 

There is a certain age criterion that needs to be followed. Abu Dhabi Law states that both parties should be at least 18 years old. Moreover, it should be properly verified. Lawyers in UAE by top Law Firms or Law Offices, are consulted for family matters by Muslims and Non-Muslims. Advocates in DUBAI are the top most Advocates for the family law in United Arab Emirates.   

The official documents must be verified. Additionally, the Federal Decree-Law sets the age requirement. It states that the age limit should be 21 years for both a man and his wife.

They need to provide the declaration form that must be signed. It is a declaration that confirms the current marital status of both. The Legal Status of both of them should be made clear and declared properly.

There are prohibited relationships in the UAE which include cousin marriage. The cousins, who are first-degree relatives, are not allowed to marry as per the law. 

Civil Marriages of Non-Muslims in the UAE:

The process for civil marriage begins with applying. Besides, they need to complete the marriage contract. It is submitted before a Judge in the court. It will modify the contract with the agreed terms and conditions. 

Once all the terms and conditions are met. The procedures are adequately followed. Furthermore, the Judge of the court approves the marriage contract. Proper rules and regulations are applied to non-Muslims irrespective of male and female.

Divorce and Child Custody Matters Among Non-Muslims in the UAE :

Some separate regulations and laws outline the procedures for divorce among non-Muslim couples in the UAE.

The Unilateral Divorce, either spouses can request for a divorce. They do not need to give reasoning, justification, or prove anything. This makes it easier to seek divorce among non-Muslim couples.

Under the divorce Procedure, a judgment is initiated by the court for divorce. The process of divorce will commence after one spouse files for it. They just need to request the divorce proceedings.

Financial Support upon Divorce is a crucial matter. Post-divorce judgment, the wife can apply for financial support. Alimony is the name given to financial support. 

Non-muslim Child Custody Matters:

Joint Child Custody is another important factor covered by the law. It is rather a complex and sensitive matter. Child custody is regarded as a joint obligation and responsibility. Mother and father both have equal rights over the child after the divorce.

There is a shared responsibility as per the UAE law. Both parents share the responsibility to take care of the child. The Parents jointly take care and raise their children after divorce. 

Still, in some cases, there is a presence of exceptions. The exceptions are based on certain circumstances and provisions identified by the law. 

There are some exceptions from Joint Custody when any of the parents request for sole custody, the court makes the decision looking at the best interest of the child. 

In several family matters, disputes arise. One of the most common matters is divorce and child custody. In such uncertain times, alternative dispute Resolution is the best option available. 

In case of any disagreements between parents over joint custody, parents can seek dispute resolution as a way out. For this, they need to submit applications to the relevant court for resolution.

Inheritance and Registering Wills in the UAE for Non-Muslims:

Here is a separate set of laws for Non-Muslim regarding inheritance and Wills. The laws completely address the distribution of inheritance among the offspring. It also suggests the procedure for the registering of the wills.

As per the law, the distribution of Inheritance must be done equally, fair, and just. In the UAE, the non-Muslims can choose to leave a will. The will is a document that specifies how the property, assets, and money should be distributed among their offspring.

Moreover, according to the law, half of the inheritance goes to the spouse. Accordingly, the rest of the inheritance is equally divided among all the children, parents, or even siblings.

There is a formal and systematic process for the registration of wills in the UAE. All the wills of non-Muslims are registered as per the procedure. This is specified in the law. Nonetheless, the procedure allows the spouses to specify the asset distribution during the time of marriage.

UAE’s Commitment to Diversity, Divergence and Multiculturalism:

The recent developments undermine a much more straightforward legal framework for the non-Muslims living in the UAE. The legal provisions make it simple and easier for non-Muslims to deal with marriage, divorce, and inheritance matters. 

With the aid of a well-versed and qualified lawyer, attorney, or legal advisor, comprehending and following the laws and regulations becomes easier. Professional lawyers can ensure that individuals adequately handle their complicated matters. 

They are capable of assisting individuals in managing these aspects of their lives. The non-Muslim individuals can decide according to their choices, preferences, priorities, and unique circumstances.

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