Kross Ermias Asghedom: (Nipsey Hussle Son) – Bio, Age, Net Worth

Kross Ermias Asghedom is the son of the late rapper and community activist Nipsey Hussle (real name Ermias Joseph Asghedom) and actress Lauren London. Born on August 31, 2016, Kross entered a world where his journey would be marked by both triumphs and heartaches, all under the watchful gaze of a legacy left by his iconic father, Nipsey Hussle (Ermias Joseph Asghedom), and the steadfast guidance of his mother, the talented actress Lauren London.

Kross Ermias Asghedom, a beacon of joy and hope, is the beloved son of Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London. This article aims to dive into the facets of Kross’s life, from his early days to his current pursuits, celebrating the positive influences that shaped his remarkable journey.

In a world often marked by uncertainty, Kross Ermias Asghedom’s story stands as a testament to the enduring power of family, resilience, and the profound impact that influential figures can have on the lives of those they leave behind. This narrative unfolds against the backdrop of not only a family’s journey but also the cultural and social contributions of his father, Nipsey Hussle.

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Kross Ermias Asghedom Biography

Date of Birth:August 31, 2016
Place of Birth:Los Angeles, California
Parents:Nipsey Hussle (father) and Lauren London (mother)
Siblings:Emani Asghedom (older sister), Kameron Lennox Carter (half-brother)
Nationality:United States and Eritrea
Religion:Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Interests:Playing basketball, soccer, and listening to music
Father’s Occupation:Rapper, entrepreneur, community activist
Mother’s Occupation:Actress, model, television personality
Father’s Net Worth (before passing):Estimated $8 million
Mother’s Net Worth:Approximately $9 million
Legacy:Inherited a legacy of community activism, entrepreneurship, and artistic expression
Guardianship:Under the sole custody of Lauren London
Current Age (As of 2023):Almost 7 years old (turning 7 in August 2023)

Early Life of Kross Ermias Asghedom

Kross’s early life is a tapestry woven with threads of cultural richness and familial love. Born in Los Angeles, California, he is the embodiment of the union between Nipsey Hussle, the revered rapper, entrepreneur, and community activist, and Lauren London, a talented actress and advocate for mental health awareness.

Kross Ermias Asghedom made his entrance into the world on August 31, 2016, bringing immeasurable joy to his parents and extending the legacy of the Asghedom family. The significance of his name, “Kross,” echoes deeply, symbolizing unity and strength.

In examining Kross’s journey, it’s imperative to understand the profound influence of his parents. Nipsey Hussle, born Ermias Joseph Asghedom, emerged as a luminary in the music industry, an entrepreneur, and a fervent advocate for community development. With her acting prowess, Lauren London carved her niche in Hollywood while becoming an influential voice in mental health advocacy.

Kross shares his familial bonds with Emani Asghedom, his older sister from Nipsey’s previous relationship, and Kameron Lennox Carter, his half-brother from Lauren London’s past. These connections enrich Kross’s world, weaving a narrative of interconnected lives and shared experiences.

Rooted in both American and Eritrean heritage, Kross Ermias Asghedom embodies a cultural fusion that adds depth to his identity. The family’s connection to the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church reflects a commitment to cultural roots and spiritual values.

Nipsey Hussle: A Life and Career Overview

Nipsey Hussle

Ermias Joseph Asghedom, known as Nipsey Hussle, etched an indelible mark on the canvas of hip-hop and activism. Born on August 15, 1985, in Los Angeles, Nipsey’s early life was a testament to his resilience and entrepreneurial spirit.

From shining shoes at the age of 11 to funding his school clothes to the groundbreaking ventures that would follow, Nipsey’s early years were marked by a tenacious pursuit of success. His foray into the music scene began in the mid-2000s, when he sold mixtapes from the trunk of his car, earning a loyal following.

The trajectory of Nipsey’s music career reached new heights with the release of his first studio album, “South Central State of Mind,” in 2011. This marked the beginning of a prolific period that saw the release of acclaimed mixtapes such as “The Marathon” and “Crenshaw.”

Beyond the realm of music, Nipsey Hussle’s entrepreneurial spirit manifested in The Marathon Clothing, an urban clothing brand. His vision extended to economic development projects in the Crenshaw area, demonstrating a commitment to uplifting his community.

Nipsey Hussle’s impact transcended the realms of entertainment and commerce. He emerged as a vocal advocate for reducing gang violence and promoting education and economic development in underprivileged communities. His dedication to fostering positive change was recognized with a Grammy’s Nomination for Best Rap Album in 2019.

Lauren London: A Profile

Lauren London

Born on December 5, 1984, Lauren London embarked on a journey in the entertainment industry that would see her become a notable actress and influential figure.

Lauren’s breakthrough came in 2006 when she portrayed Erin “New New” Garnett in the movie “ATL.” This marked the beginning of a career that would include roles in films such as “This Christmas,” TV shows like “90210” and “The Game,” and a presence in the popular series “You People” on Netflix.

Lauren London’s life became intertwined with Nipsey Hussle’s through a serendipitous encounter on social media in 2013. What started as a fan purchasing Nipsey’s music evolved into a deep connection that led to a six-year relationship. The bond they forged was not just romantic but built on shared values and a commitment to family.

After the tragic loss of Nipsey Hussle, Lauren London channeled her grief into advocacy for mental health awareness. Her transparent and empathetic approach resonated with many, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health challenges within the community.

The Relationship of Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London

The union between Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London was more than a romantic connection; it was a narrative of shared dreams, mutual respect, and a commitment to building a life together.

Their story began when Lauren, impressed by Nipsey’s talent, purchased his music. This initial fan-artist connection evolved into a meeting, where their personalities clicked seamlessly. Nipsey’s invitation for a date marked the commencement of a journey that would intertwine their lives in profound ways.

The six years they spent together were marked by growth, challenges, and unwavering support for each other’s endeavors. Their public appearances and shared moments on social media offered glimpses into a relationship built on love, understanding, and shared aspirations.

Amid their love story, Nipsey and Lauren embraced the role of parents. Kross Ermias Asghedom, born in 2016, became a symbol of their commitment to family and the continuation of their legacy. The couple’s parenting journey was characterized by devotion, creating a nurturing environment for their children.

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Tragic Loss: Nipsey Hussle’s Death

On March 31, 2019, the world mourned the untimely loss of Nipsey Hussle. The artist, entrepreneur, and community advocate fell victim to a tragic incident right outside The Marathon Clothing store, leaving an irreplaceable void in the lives of those who knew and admired him.

The circumstances leading to Nipsey Hussle’s death were a devastating turn of events. The impact reverberated not only through his family but also across the communities he touched. The original store of The Marathon Clothing, once a beacon of hope, transformed into a place where people paid tribute to his enduring legacy.

For Kross Ermias Asghedom and his family, the loss of Nipsey Hussle was profound. The void left by a father, partner, and community leader was felt deeply, and the grieving process became a collective journey for those who cherished his memory.

The outpouring of grief and support from the global community highlighted the significant impact Nipsey Hussle had on lives beyond the realm of music. Tributes poured in from fellow artists, community leaders, and fans, underscoring the enduring legacy of a man who sought to uplift and inspire.

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Life After Loss: Lauren London’s Guardianship of Kross

In the wake of Nipsey Hussle’s passing, Lauren London exhibited remarkable strength and resilience. This section explores the legal and emotional dimensions of Lauren’s journey as she assumed guardianship of Kross Ermias Asghedom.

Navigating the legal intricacies of guardianship took time, but Lauren London’s commitment to ensuring Kross’s well-being remained unwavering. Almost seven months after Nipsey’s passing, she secured full custody, becoming the primary guardian entrusted with Kross’s future.

Lauren’s role as a mother and guardian extended beyond legal responsibilities. Her dedication to preserving Nipsey Hussle’s legacy for Kross and providing emotional support became integral to the family’s healing process.

Adjusting to life without Nipsey Hussle brought forth a new normal for the family. Despite the challenges, the Asghedom-Carter family continued to nurture bonds and celebrate the positive memories left behind by a man who dedicated his life to uplifting others.

Kross Ermias Asghedom’s Current Life

As Kross Ermias Asghedom grows, he navigates the waters of childhood, education, and personal interests. This section provides a glimpse into the current life of a young boy with a bright future ahead.

Kross’s journey includes the typical adventures of childhood, including school days filled with learning and play. His interests extend to sports, particularly basketball and soccer, showcasing a well-rounded young individual with a passion for staying active.

The bond Kross shares with his siblings, Emani Asghedom and Kameron Lennox Carter, adds depth to his familial connections. These relationships contribute to a support system that nurtures growth and shared experiences.

Beyond the confines of school, Kross indulges in activities and hobbies that reflect his unique personality. Whether it’s the love for the Lakers, a basketball team close to the hearts of many in Los Angeles, or an affinity for music, Kross’s pursuits are an evolving canvas of self-discovery.

Kross Ermias Asghedom Net Worth

In the realm of financial metrics, evaluating the net worth of a child is not only impractical but overlooks the true wealth that Kross Ermias Asghedom inherits — a wealth of love, resilience, and a legacy that transcends monetary values.

Kross, being a minor, is rightfully outside the realm of financial assessments. Instead, it’s essential to acknowledge the financial landscapes of his parents, Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London.

Before his untimely passing, Nipsey Hussle, the acclaimed rapper and entrepreneur, had accumulated an estimated net worth of $8 million. However, Nipsey’s legacy extends far beyond monetary figures. His impact on the music industry, entrepreneurship, and community activism remains immeasurable.

In the financial realm, Lauren London, with a net worth of around $9 million, showcases her own success in the entertainment industry. Yet, as with Kross, the true value lies in the intangibles — her resilience, advocacy, and dedication to preserving the legacy of Nipsey Hussle for their children.

While discussions around net worth often center on financial assets, Kross Ermias Asghedom’s true wealth will unfold with time. As he grows, he inherits not just the financial residuals but the ethos of community development, entrepreneurship, and artistic expression instilled by his parents.

As Kross navigates the path ahead, his potential for future financial success becomes a canvas waiting to be painted. Whether he chooses to forge his own entrepreneurial endeavors or follow artistic pursuits, the true measure of Kross’s wealth will be the positive impact he imparts on the world.

Legacy of Nipsey Hussle

The legacy of Nipsey Hussle transcends the boundaries of time and space. This section explores how his influence shapes communities, businesses, and lives.

Nipsey’s commitment to economic development, education, and reducing gang violence laid the foundation for ongoing initiatives. The impact of The Marathon Clothing store and other ventures continues to echo through the streets of Crenshaw, a testament to the lasting influence of a visionary.

While the original store stands as a symbol of remembrance, a new chapter unfolds with the opening of another location. The Marathon Clothing, both a brand and a movement, persists as a beacon of hope and a tribute to the indomitable spirit of its founder.

Nipsey Hussle’s advocacy for community development continues through various initiatives. The commitment to reducing gang violence, promoting economic empowerment, and fostering education remain ingrained in the ethos of organizations carrying forward his vision.


As we reflect on the captivating narrative of Kross Ermias Asghedom, we find a tale that intertwines love, loss, and resilience. The Asghedom-Carter family, marked by the indomitable spirit of Nipsey Hussle, stands as a testament to the enduring power of unity and purpose.

Kross’s story is not just a chronological sequence of events but a mosaic of emotions, experiences, and the ever-present influence of a father who left an indelible mark on the world.

The ripple effect of Kross’s journey extends beyond the family circle, touching the lives of those inspired by the resilience and positive spirit he embodies.

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